Colorado Branch Officers                            About Us

Mary Jo Pollman, Ph.D.
Metropolitan State College of Denver

Vice President:
Marjorie Milan, Ph.D.
Valdez Elementary School
True Morgan
Retired Teacher and Principal
Jamie Archaumbault
Denver Public Schools
Vice President, Pre-K and Kindergarten:
Sheila Deacon

Vice President,
Cecilia Kabisch

Board Members
Ryan Fune
Bryant Webster Elementary

Eugenia Berger
Professor Emeritus
Metropolitan State College of Denver

Eleanor Lutes
Retired Teacher

Carey Bailey
Retired Teacher

Rodrigo Araya
University of Colorado School Of Medicine

Melissa Baron
Student Branch President

ACEI's Mission
To promote and support in the global community the optimal education and development of children, from birth through early adolescence, and to influence the professional growth of educators and the efforts of others who are committed to the needs of children in a changing society.

ACEI's Purpose

  • To promote the inherent rights, education and well-being of all children in their homes, schools, and communities
  • To work for desirable conditions, programs and practices for children from infancy through early adolescence
  • To bring into active cooperation all individuals and groups concerned with children
  • To raise the standard of preparation for those actively involved with the care and development of children
  • To encourage the continuous professional growth of educators
  • To focus the public's attention on the rights and needs of children, and on the ways various programs must be adjusted to fit those rights and needs

You Can Make a Difference!

Leadership Opportunities
Professional Development
Publishing opportunities
Voting Privilege

Upcoming Dates

September 2002 - State Conference


The Colorado Association for Childhood Education International is a branch of the Association of Childhood Education International. Paying dues to the national organization automatically makes you a member of the Colorado Association.

On September 29, 2001, at the Lakewood Country Club, we held the most recent state conference. Dr. Carmen DeOnis presented on "Bilingual Education," and Luis Torres spoke on "A Curriculum for Hispanic Children."

Thirteen teachers were selected for Hall of Excellence poster presentations at the fall state conference. They were: Rodrigo Araya, Suzanne Dunshee, Cecilia Kabisch, Matt Kulczewski, Marjorie Milan, Janaldo Mims, Pat Mitchell, True Morgan, Mary Jo Pollman, Yamile Reina, Elizabeth Wegman, and Mary Zavala.

At the state conference in 2001, the following people received awards for outstanding service to the state branch: Jamie Archambault, Melissa Baron, Sheila Deacon, Cecilia Kabisch, and True Morgan.

The following Coloradans will present at the national conference in San Diego, April 3-6: Michael Opitz, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley; Milly Nadler, Colorado Academy, Denver; Kelly Zinnha, Golden; Marjorie Milan, Valdez Elementary, Denver; Sheila Deacon, Metropolitan State College, Denver; Sue Haugland, Metropolitan State College, Denver; Mary Jo Pollman, Metropolitan State College, Denver; Melissa Baron, student, Metropolitan State College, Denver.

This spring, May 5 - 11, Colorado ACEI will again sponsor the Week of the Classroom Teacher. We will honor teachers at Valdez Elementary, Bryan Webster, Englewood Early Childhood Center, and other selected schools. Governor Bill Owens will read a proclamation which officially declares May 5 - 11 as the Week of the Classroom Teacher.

For more information about the state branch, contact Mary Jo Pollman


Why Join ACEI

When you select the Association for Childhood Education International as your professional education association, you will join one of the oldest education associations in the world. Founded in 1892, ACEI promotes the inherent rights of children and the professional development of classroom teachers. ACEI's focus is from birth through middle childhood, so no matter what age of children you will be teaching, ACEI has programs to help you.

International Representation
ACEI has been a member of the United Nations' nongovernmental organizations for 10 years. Granted Consultative status, we share concerns and expertise on leading children's issues.

National Accreditation
ACEI has been designated by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) to be responsible for the folio review process for elementary teacher education programs in the United States.

Local Representation
ACEI has 145 Branches to deal with issues affecting you and your school.

Membership entitles you to. . .

  • Childhood Education: (6 issues free for Professional, Student, and Retired members) This award winning journal is loaded with timely, practical articles on issues affecting teachers and children, innovative classroom practices, thoughtful reviews of current literature and software, vital research, and much more.
  • ACEI Exchange: (5 issues free for Professional, Student, and Retired members) This sixteen page newsletter, bound conveniently in Childhood Education, is filled with ACEI initiatives, event, ready-to-use classroom Idea-Sparkers, and more.
  • Local Branch Affiliation: (free) Local Branch Affiliation (free) You will be automatically enrolled in a Branch near you. Many offer workshops, newsletters, and public advocacy.
  • Annual International Conference gives you an opportunity to network with professionals from around the world. ACEI's Annual Conference offers 200 concurrent sessions, seminars, and roundtables. Save 40% on registration.
  • Workshops/World Conference: Attend ACEI's Summer World Conference Save on registration.
  • Discounts on Educational Resources: Save on a wide selection of educational books, "ACEI Speaks" brochures, videos and tapes to help you in your classroom.
  • Financial Services: Members are eligible to invest in a variety of insurance plans and financial services to meet their own unique needs. ACEI also offers a no-fee credit card.

Plus Optional Subscriptions

  • Journal of Research in Childhood Education: Published twice a year, this in-depth scholarly journal reports on the latest results of research in whole-child education, theory and practice. Members save $12.
  • Professional Focus Newsletters: Subscribe to ACEI's eight-page, quarterly newsletters. Choose from Focus on Infants & Toddlers, Focus on Pre-K & K, Focus on Elementary, or Focus on Middle School. Professional and Basic Members receive one subscription free. Members save $10.

Just for fun, Check out the TOP TEN REASONS to become a part of ACEI.

Click here to get an application form. Print the form and mail it to the address shown. You'll be glad you did.

About Our Student Branch

The Denver Metro Association of Childhood Education International was formed in October of 1999. Tony Hernandez was the first president. The group has had the Colorado Teacher of the Year as its speaker, and it has sponsored a Project Wild workshop. It has also participated in the Week of the Classroom Teacher by giving out certificates to teachers. Students have presented at state conferences. Melissa Baron was elected President in 2002. She has planned meetings, developed a web site, and will present her web site at the national convention in San Diego on April 3-6. This was the first student chapter web site.

Melissa Baron, Hilary Hrgich, and Noelle Nabors will be attending the national conference. They received scholarships to go to the conference from Metropolitan Student Affairs Office.

Student members receive the same benefits as professional members plus their own newsletter, and even more

  • Annual International Conference & Exhibition
  • When you Graduate ACEI will upgrade your membership to professional status, but will extend the low student fee for your first year as a teacher. Plus, when you ask, we will send you a Certificate of Membership for your portfolio.
  • Leadership: join a committee, run for office, edit the Student Connection.
  • Professional Development: Present at conferences during special student and first-year teacher sessions.
  • Publishing Opportunities: Submit articles for publication in one of our newsletters.
  • Full Voting Privileges: Few organizations allow students to vote in their annual election, but ACEI does.

Interested students may contact: Melissa Baron at or view the Student Branch web site at

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